A special 10 day yagya series performed at the southern end of India.
August 20 to 29
($65 for the entire family)

August is a busy month astrologically. The planet Jupiter will be moving from Leo to Virgo. Around the same time, Mars will move from Libra into Scorpio to join Saturn who will no longer be retrograde. This is a very positive change and we should see positive effects in our personal lives. Progress returns!

In the vedic tradition, when planets are changing signs, they are most amenable to the positive influence of yagyas and so our focus is on Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars.

The site for our yagyas is the ancient and wonderful temple in Trichendur, southern Tamil Nadu. This temple is dedicated to Jupiter (making it idea for this month's program) and also to Subramanya, Ganesha's brother and son of Shiva.

He is considered to be the Divine General who is in command of the army of the gods. As such, he is the embodiment of the planet Mars.

The Tiruchendur temple is a wonderful place, located right on the ocean. Traditionally, people come to the temple to perfom yagyas for a powerful and balanced Mars. For both men and women, Mars energy is optimistic, energetic, insightful, dynamic, ready for action, powerful, strategic, and protective.

The Jupiter focus of this temple adds to the benefit because Jupiter represents spiritual purity, dharma, good fortune, and expansion of life in all forms.

Lastly, the saint Adi Shankara spent time at this temple around 900 years ago. It is said that he performed yagyas that focused on health, and so this temple has a distinct healing quality related to the Shiva mantra for healing called Maha Mrytunjaya Mantra.

We supplement those yagyas with our 50 priest Lakshmi yagyas in Pune.

Please join us in this expansive and enjoyable series of yagyas.

Please click here to enter family names and birth data.

South India Subramanya and Saturn/Jupiter/Mars Yagyas ($65) and
50 Priest Lakshmi Yagya (family included)
Complete South India and Lakshmi Yagya series
plus Daily Yagyas thru September 15th, ($85)

Maha Sponsorship Subscription, billing monthly ($200/month)

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