The "Maha" Yagya Program |
Join the "Maha Sponsor" Program and you will become an honored participant in every The maha program has been one of our most popular yagya innovations. We now offer this program in three different ways: The Maha Program ($200) - In this program you are a participant in every yagya that takes place during the month; the 10 days of group yagyas plus the daily yagyas. Every day a yagya is being performed on your behalf as a part of the maha sponsorship group. The Maha Program Plus Two Private Yagyas ($300) - This program combines the benefits of a twice monthly private yagya performed individually for you based on your preference and the recommendation of the priests. We work with you to determine the desired outcome and then recommend the appropriate yagya to accomplish your goals. This subscription also includes participation in every group and daily yagya that takes place each month. The Maha Program Plus One 5 Priest Private Yagyas ($350) - This program features a full scale, five priest private yagya performed in Varanasi, North India. The yagya is performed specifically for you alone, based on your preference and the recommendation of the priests. We work with you to determine the desired outcome and then recommend the appropriate yagya to accomplish your goals. This subscription also includes participation in every group and daily yagya that takes place each month. When you participate as a maha sponsor, you are participating in all seven days of Navagraha and Deity yagyas, plus three days of specialty yagyas in Kanchipuram, plus any specialty yagyas on months that they take place in Varanasi and the daily yagyas. Please use the following link to request a consultation and/or email us your birth time/date/place. |
Maha Sponsorship plus 5 Priest Private Yagya - Subscription ($350) In addition to your private yagyas, you will be a participant in the daily yagyas plus 10 days of group yagyas each month. The four months is a minimum particpation, but most individual continue their participation for much longer. Within the first four months, most individuals experience noticable benefit. Billing is by subscription and continues on a monthly basis until you discontinue. |
Maha Sponsorship plus twice monthly 1 Priest Private Yagya - Subscription ($300) In addition to your private yagyas, you will be a participant in the daily yagyas plus 10 days of group yagyas each month. The four months is a minimum particpation, but most individual continue their participation for much longer. Within the first four months, most individuals experience noticable benefit. Billing is by subscription and continues on a monthly basis until you discontinue. |
Maha Sponsorship Subscription, 4 months, billing monthly ($200/month) Participate as a "maha" sponsor for 4 months and enjoy the daily yagyas plus 10 days of group deity, planet, and temple yagyas each month. This program gives you 30 Daily Yagyas, plus 10 days of 5 priest large yagyas. Billing is by subscription and continues on a monthly basis until you discontinue. |