Rig Veda Samhita Yagya
Feb, 2005

The Yagya series began with a full day of Ganesha yagyas because he removes obstacles to the successful completion of the yagya performance. 
First, a full puja was completed.and then the fire yaya (homam) was performed with all the traditional ingredients including 1008 sweet modaka balls.

The Rig Veda consists of over 10,000 verses all of which are recited during an 8 day period of time.   The priests start chanting at 7 AM and continue through 1 PM.  Every evening they conducted a full Lalitha Sahasranam puja with the 1008 mantras for the Divine Monther.
The master pundits bring their students for the experience because this is a rarely performed yagya.
With every second line, an offering of ghee and sesame seeds are offered into the yagya fire.