Yagya Schedule for May, 2005


Akshaya Tritiya - The Day of Victory and Strength   ($51)
Wednesday, May 11th

This yagya develops strength and establishes a firm foundation for the following 12 months.  On Akshaya Tritiya the Sun and Moon are both at their strongest and most balanced.  The yagya consists of special vedic recitations for all the 9 planets is followed by abishekam and homam yagyas.  The effects of the yagya are greater mental clarity and strength of purpose, elimination of obstacles, and protection of one's posessions. 

Participants will receive an audio CD of the Vedic Nine planet hymns recorded by Seetharam and a print of the traditional Vedic style images of the 9 planets.

Two day Ganesha and Lakshmi Yagya   ($51)
Sun. May 15 and Mon. May 16

For removal of Obstacles, Abundance and Prosperity

Saturday, May 16th -- On the first day, the focus is on Ganesha who removes all obstacles to the full enjoyment of life.  The priests will perform a full Ganesha Yagya as well as yagyas for the 9 planets.

On Sunday, our  priests will perform a full routine of Vedic pujas and homams (fire yagyas) for Lakshmi and hte 9 planets to enhance our enjoyment of abundance and both inner and outer wealth.

This is the yagya for those who subscribe to the 2 day monthly series on an on going basis.


One Day Ganesha Temple Yagya   ($51)
Friday, May 20

Ganesha is the friendly remover of obstacles who nevers fails to respond to those who ask him for assistance.  This yagya will be performed in an ancient Kanchipuram Ganesha temple by our own Puja.net priests.  This is a great opportunity to take advange of the power of these temples, with the focus of our own priests.  It also helps to support and preserve the vedic traditions.  The yagya will be video taped and participants will receive a copy in addition to the traditional prasadam packet.


Navagraha Yagyas: ($27/day or $108 for all 7 days )

Sunday, May 15--Surya (Sun)
Monday, May 16--Navagraha--Chandra (Moon)
Tuesday, May 17--Navagraha--Mangal (Mars)
Wednesday, May 18 --Navagraha--Budha (Mercury)
Thursday, May 19--Navagraha--Guru (Jupiter)
Friday, May 20--Navagraha--Shukra (Venus)
Saturday, May 21--Navagraha--Sani (Saturn)

Daily, May 15-21--Navagraha--Rahu and Ketu
They do not have their own day, so the puja/yagya for each is done every day during the navagraha series.

May 15 - 21, Full seven day Navagraha Yagya ($108)

Deity Yagyas:

($27 per day or $108 for the full 7 day cycle)

Sunday, May 15 -- Durga; The Divine Mother; honors the supportive and protective qualities of divinity.  The yagya enhances purity and clarity of consciousness.
Monday, May 16--Shiva/Rudra Abishekam and Mrytunjaya; enlightenment and health
Tuesday, May 17--Subramanyaman; strength and mental clarity
Wednesday, May 18--Vishnu; enlightenment, protection, and fullness of life

Thursday, May 19 --Sudarshana and Narasimha; strength, removal of severe obstacles and family harmony

Friday, May 20--Lakshmi/Durga/Saraswati; wealth, purity, strength, and wisdom
Saturday, May 21--Ganesha; removal of obstacles and mental clarity
May 15 - 21; Full seven day Deity Yagya ($108)

Full Moon Yagya ($27)

Sunday, April 23-- Satyanarayana Puja followed by Lakshmi/Narayana (Vishnu) Yagya for Happiness, Fulfillment, and family harmony.


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