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añgam hareç pulakabhüúaïamáùrayantè
bhøñgáñganeva mukulábharañam tramálam
máñgalyadástu mama mañgaladevatáyaç(1)
May the great goddess Lakshmi, who like the way a Queen bee might pause to rest on a Tamála tree adorned with fragrant flowers, may she find her Lord Vishnu and together, they who possess and enjoy all the riches of the universe, may they bestow upon me auspiciousness, wealth and success.
Mugdhá muhurvidqadhatè vadane muráreç
Prematrapápraïètáni gatágatáni
Málá døùlrmadhukarèva mahotpale yá
Sá me ùriyam diùatu ságarasambhaváyáç.(2)
May the beautiful and continuous glances of the daughter of the ocean bless me with wealth and satisfaction. Her glances which are caused by her feelings of love and shyness, repeatedly go towards and come back from the face of Lord Vishnu in the same delightful way the bee searches for and finds the blue lily.
mánndaheturadhikam muravidviúopi
èúanniúèdatu mayi kúaïamèkúaïárdha-
May a tiny portion of the graceful glances of the goddess Indirá, which resemble the interior of nèlotpala flower, stay with me a little while. Her glance confers great bliss, even on Vishnu. She is capable of bestowing on her smallest devotee the glorious position of Indra's sovereignty over all the gods.
ámilitákúamadhigamya mudá mukunda-
bhütyai bhavenmama bhujaïgaùayaáïganáyáç (4)
May the unwinking eyes of the consort of the Reclining Vishnu bring prosperity to me. She, having happily reached Mukunda (Vishnu) who sits with half-closed eyes, her eyes fill with the sentiment of love. They are the source of Bliss, and become partly closed with her deep devotion.
báhvantare madhujitaç ùritakaustubhe yá
hárávalèva harinèlamayè vibhátè
kámapradá bhagavato'pi kaûákúamálá
kalyaáïamávahatu me kamalálayáç(5)
The continuous gaze of the goddess seated on the lotus (Lakshmi), falls on the Kaustubha flower decked chest of Vishnu. Her eyes sparkle like a garland of sapphires and give pleasure even to the Lord. May her eyes bring me fufillment.
Kálámbudálialitorsi kaiûabhárer-
dhárádhare sphurati yá taãidaïganeva
mátuç samastajagatám mahaniyamürtir-
bhadráni me diùatu bhárgavanandanáyáç(6)
The adorable form of the daughter of Bhøgu and the Mother of all the worlds, who radiates from her position close to the heart of Vishnu, who resembles dark clouds, and glimmers like a lightning in the midst of the clouds, may she grant me all success, fulkfillment and happiness.
práptam padam prathamataç khalu yatprabháván-
máñgalyaáji madhumáthini manmathena
mayyápatettadiha mantharamikúaïárdham
mandálasam ca makarálayakanyakáyaç(7)
May those graceful gentle side glances of the daughter of the ocean, by whose greatness the god of love gained the first hold on the destroyer of Madhu (Vishnu), may they fall upon me here.
dadyáddayánupavano draviïámbudhárá-
masminnakiòcanavihañgaùiùau viúanne
duúkarmamapaniya ciráya düram
Let the clouds, the eyes of the consort of Náráyana, together with the wind, and her grace, remove completely the heat of bad deeds and shower the rain of riches over this grief-stricken, poor little bird.
iúûvá viùiúûamatayo' pi yayá dayárdra
døúûyá trivúûapapadam sulabham labhante
døsúûiç prahøsûkamalodaradiptiriútám
puúûim køsiúûa mama puúkaraviúûaráyáç(9)
May those eyes of the goddess seated on a lotus and possessing the radiance of the full blooming lotus confer upon me the prosperity I desire. It is by Her compassionate look that devotees and persons of wisdom attain to heaven quickly and easily.
girdevateti garuãadhavajasundariti
ùákambhariti ùaùiùekharavallabheti
søúûisthiti pralayakeliúu samsthitáyai
tasyai namastribhuvanaikagurostaruïyai.(10)
I honor the wife of the master of the three worlds (Lord Vishnu) and who, taking the form of Sarasvati, is the goddess of speech, and as Ùákambhari is the beloved of the Lord Vishnu, and in her form of Párvati is the wife of Lord Shiva. It is She who's play is the creation, preservation and destruction of the universe.
ùrutyai namo'stu ùubhakarmaphalaprasütyai
ratyqai namo'stu ramaïèyaguïárïaváyai
ùaktyai namo'stu ùatapatraniketanáyai
puùtyai namo'stu puruúotûamavallabháyai. (11)
I bow down to the the goddess who appears in the form of the Vedas which yield the fruits of good actions. I honor Rati, the ocean of all good qualities. I honor Ùakti seated on the lotus, and Pushti, the consort of Purushottama.
namo'stu nálikanibhánanáyai
namo'stu somámøtasodaráyal
namo'stu somámøtasodaráyai
namo'stu náráyaïavallabháyai(12)
I honor the lotus-faced goddess. I bow down to the one born of the milky ocean. I honor the one who was born along with the moon and the nectar of immortality. I revere the consort of Náráyana (Vishnu).
Sampatksaráïi sakalendriyanandanáni
Sámrájyadánavibhaváni sarorunhákúi
tvadvandanáni duritoddharaïodyatáni
mámeva mátaraniùam kalayantu mánye.(13)
Oh lotus-eyed Mother of the Universe! Let my prayers reach you so that you may grant me riches, pleasures, success and remove all misery from me. May your blessings always reach me.
Let me honor you always. May my devotion to you never weaken or cease.
sevakasya sakaláthasampadaç
samtanoti vacanáñgamaánasai-
stvaám murárihødayeùvarim bhaje(14)
I worship you with my words, body and mind as you sit in the heart of Lord Vishnu. I offer my meditation upon you so that your glance upon me will bring all my desired prosperity and fulfillment.
sarasijanilaye sarojahaste
bhagavati harivallabhe manojñe
tribhuvanabhutikari prasèda mahyam(15)
Oh, one who lives in the lotus, one who always hold a lotus in her hand, one who shines with white clothing, adorned with sandal paste and flower garlands, Oh adorable one, Wife of Vishnu, she is who infinitely charming, and bestower of prosperity in all the three worlds...be kind to me.
digghastibhiç kanakakumbhamukhávasøta-
prátarnamámi jagatam jananèmaùeúa-
Early in the morning, I honor the universal mother, the companion of the lord of the entire universe and the daughter of the milky ocean, who has her body bathed by the pure and pleasing waters of the celestial Ganges poured down from golden pitchers by the four white elephants from the four directions.
kamale kamalákúavallabhe tvam
avalokaya mámatiòcanánám
prathamam pátramakøtrimam dayátáç (17)
O! Kamalá! Consort of the lotus-eyed Lord (Vishnu), through glances laced with waves of compassion, look at me and find in me a befitting recipient of your grace.
stuvanti ye stutibhiramübhiranvaham
trayèmayèm tribhuvanamátaram ramám
guïádhiká gurutarabhágyabhájino
bhavanti te bhuvi budhabhávitáùayáç(18)
Those who praise with these words Ramá, the embodiment of the three Vedas, and Lakshmi, the mother of the three worlds, become enriched with virtue, strength, and success. With such blessings, they are drawn to good thoughts and compassionate deeds, and will be honored by the learned in this world.
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