Akshaya Trittiya
May 7/8
Akshaya Trittiya This is usually referred to as a Day of Lasting Achievement because on this day both the Sun and Moon are exalted and thus at their strongest. Traditionally any endeavour that is begun on these days is blessed with lasting success. Different parts of India calculate this date differently, so we are using this as an excuse to celebrate it twice! Each day will feature a full Lakshmi and Kubera Yagya in Varanasi, North India. Trditionally this is considered to be the day when the vedic rishis performed the very first yagya. The day is called ‘Akshaya’ because the word means ‘undecaying’ or ‘everlasting’ and any yagyas performed on this day have a special lasting power. Akshaya Trittiya is also celebrated as the birth day Parashurama, the sixth avatar of Vishnu. Also, according to Vedic mythology, this is hte day on which Treta Yuga began, and also the day that the Ganges River descended to the earth from heaven. These two days of yagyas can be particularly effective in supporting our efforts towards increasing wealth, removal of resistance in life, gaining knowledge, increasing marital harmony, promoting good fortune and success in business and career. The day is also considered to be a particularly auspicious time to buy any long term assets like gold and silver, gems, or real estate. |