Subramanya and Hanuman - 10 Day Yagya Series The Navaratri yagya series is great for generating a lot of the shakti of the divine feminine. In Jyotish this takes the form of Venus. This month we are going to compliment that with a focus on the divine male in the form of Hanuman and Subramanya (also known as Skanda). These two are the personification of Mars - eternally optimistic, active, and focused. We begin on a special festival day called Skanda Shasti (Thurs, Nov 11th) - which celebrates the destruction of evil by Subramanya using a spear or vel given to him by the Divine Mother. So it is in honor of that powerful interplay of masculine and feminine that we designed this month's program. Of course Hanuman is so widely known as the devotee of Rama and Sita and it was he who powerfully fights Ravana and rescues Sita in the Ramayana. Not only is Hanuman a powerful image of the devotion that Mars energy can manifest, but he is active, courageous, intelligent, and always moving ahead. The benefit of this yagya series is in bringing our inner potential to fruition in the form of more power and more effectiveness in the "real world". Of course, in an inner sense the same is true. We all need more power, more focus to pierce the many layers that keep us from the enlightenment we desire. All yagyas remove obstacles and enliven our consciousness. This one builds on the success of Navaratri to break through and enliven new levels of consciousness, accomplishment, and skill in action. Click here to send an email listing those family members you would like to include. |
20 Day Navagraha Yagyas Starting with the beginning of November series on Nov 11, we begin our monthly Navagraha Yagya program which will continue through the balance of November, ending on the 31st. Each day's yagya begins with a complete Ganesha and Navagraha pujas, followed by 1008 repetitions of the Vedic mantra for the planet of the day. On the final day of the Navagraha Program, the pujas are more elaborate and are followed by an extensive Navagraha homam (fire ritual), conducted by five pundits. |
10 day - Subramanya/Hanuman Yagya Program - ($51 for the immediate family) |
20 day - Navagraha Yagyas ($27 includes immediate family) |
Combine the 10 day Subramanya/Hanuman and 20 day Navagraha Yagya Programs ($71) | |
Maha Sponsorship Subscription, billing monthly ($200/month) |