September Yagya Series; Eleven Days of Ganesha and Lakshmi Yagyas Ganesha is the vedic deity who removes obstacles and smooths our path through life as we progress towards greater prosperity and enlightenment. Traditionally, Ganesha is always invoked at the beginning of every puja and yagya. He is known as "Vighneshwara", the one who removes all obstacles . He assures the success of the yagyas and the delivery of the results to the participants. This month our pundits will begin with Veda recitation, and then repeat Sri Suktam a total of 1008 times over the course of the 10 day Lakshmi yagya, culminating in the Pavamana Soma and 2 days of Lakshmi temple abishekam yagyas in Kanchipuram. The 1008 names of Lakshmi, which will be used in the daily yagya are here. Some Lakshmi mantras are here. After you have made payment for the yagyas, please click here to enter names and birth data for you and the members of your family. |
11 Day Ganesha and Lakshmi Yagyas, and Pavamana Soma Yagya, September 9-19 ($51) | |
11 Day Ganesha and Lakshmi Yagyas, plus 30 days of Daily Yagyas and Pavamana Soma Yagya ($108) |
11 Day Ganesha and Lakshmi Yagyas, plus 30 days of daily Shiva and Soma Yagyas ($108) |
11 Day Ganesha and Lakshmi Yagyas, plus 30 days of daily Durga
and Soma Yagyas ($108) |
Maha Sponsorship Subscription, billing monthly ($200/month) Participate as a maha sponsor for 4 months and enjoy the daily yagyas, 10 day yagyas, plus the complete Rudra, Lalitha and Chandi yagyas and Pavamana Soma Yagya Billing is by subscription and continues on a monthly basis until you discontinue. |