Ten Day Lakshmi and Navagraha Yagya - January 18 - 27
($65 for the entire family)

To develop abundance and balance the influence of the nine planets, especially Saturn and Rahu

We begin the new year with a series of yagyas for the nine planets (Navagraha) to maintain balance throughout the year, and for Lakshmi, the source of abundance in all forms.

Each day of the series our pundits will perform an extensive yagya ritual for the planet of the day (Sunday - Sun, Monday - Moon, etc) complete with extensive repetition of the vedic mantras for that planet. This is especially important because of the strong and challenging influence that both Saturn and Rahu will have throughout much of 2014.

After the Navagraha ritual, the priests perform a complete Lakshmi yagya with multiple repetitions of the famous Sri Suktam from the Rig Veda.

The final three days will also include temple yagyas; one for Shiva to enhance our spiritual progress towards enlightenment, one for the goddesses (Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Parvati) to enhance our enjoyment of life and inner happiness, and one for the Navagraha (nine planets) to support balance in all areas of life.

The goal of the yagya series is to balance the influence of the planets throughout the year and to supplement that positive influence with the wealth and abundance that Lakshmi provides.

Participants in these yagya programs report that they enjoy a reduction of obstacles and a smoothing of the usual ups and downs of daily life.Overall prosperity and abundance is increased leading to a greater enjoyment of life.

To include your family members, please click here.

Combine the 10 Day Yagyas with 30 days of Daily Yagyas ($97)

Maha Sponsorship Subscription, billing monthly ($200/month)
Your participation as a "maha" sponsor includes every monthly group yagya as well as the daily yagyas. This subscription is billed automatically each month until you discontinue.