There are many interesting details for this unique yagya program
that honor and support our ancestors.

Please click here to read all the details and history of this fascinating vedic ritual for our ancestors.

Complete September yagya program includes

10 Day Ganesha, 18 Day Saturn, 2 Day Lakshmi,
and 3 Day Ancestor Yagyas.


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The September yagya program includes the following series;
10 Day Ganesha
18 Day Saturn
2 Day Lakshmi
3 Day Ancestor Yagyas

Here are all the details...

Ganesh Chaturthi 1000 Fruit and 1000 Modaka Yagya
Vinayaka Chaturthi (Ganesha's birthday) on September 13th.

Ganesha is the remover of obstacles and thus plays a major role in our enjoyment of life through material and spiritual success. Ganesh (or Vinayaka) Chaturthi celebrates his birthday and it is felt that at this time he is receptive to prayers and yagya offerings and gives his blessings freely.

This is our most festive and elaborate Ganesha yagya with offerings of 1,000 sweet modaka coconut treats and 1,000 offerings of fresh fruit starting onhis birthday; September 13th.

The purpose of these yagyas is to promote the enjoyment of a satisfying and enlightened life. Ganesha is the foundation of that process because he removes the obstacles that obstruct fulfillment.

After the 13th, the Ganesha yagyas continue for an additional 10 days, along with the Saturn yagyas. The Ganesha program concludes on the 22nd. The Saturn program continues through the 30th.

Saturn Yagyas are performed from September 13th to 22nd

September 17-30 (Two Week Saturn and Rahu/Ketu Yagyas)

Saturn will be returing to forward (direct) motion on September 6th and this month we want to perform as many Saturn yagyas as possible. This will enhance the positive side of Saturn (structure, discipline, stability, etc) and reduce the less desirable obstacle producing aspect of his energy.

50 Priest Lakshmi Yagya
September 20th & 21st, Pune
, India

A pundit once explained to me that yagyas are like knocking on the door of the divine asking for our desires to be fulfilled. You have to knock, he said, and knock and knock. More priests means more mantra repetitions and that means greater yagya power. Our 50 priest yagya is a rare opportunity to build a foundation for greater wealth and overall abundance in life and because Saturn is returning to forward motion and Venus is strong in Libra until December 31st. Lakshmi is definiely reachable during this time!


Maha Sponsorship Subscription, billing monthly ($200/month)

Subscribe as a maha sponsor for 4 months and enjoy participation in every group yagya program that we offer: Daily Yagyas, 10 day yagyas, Rudra and Chandi yagyas, and all four Two Week Yagya Intensives.

Billing is by subscription and continues on a monthly basis
until you discontinue.