Dharma Yagyas
for success, prosperity and alignment with natural law ($65)
Aug 24th - Sept 2nd, Kanchipuram (Vishnu)
Aug 29 - 30, Pune (Lakshmi)
Sept 1 - 2, Kanchipuram (Ganesha Chaturthi)
Our August yagya program is focused on the Ten Avatars of Vishnu (Dasa Avatara) whose role it is to protect dharma so that all beings are safe and can evolve spiritually and materially in comfort and happiness.
We begin on Aug 24th in Kanchipuram with a daily program that invokes and honors each of Vishnu's ten avatars, all of whom protect dharma. The story of each incarnation is one in which balance and order is restored, sustained, and protected. The effects of these yagyas are focused on us as individuals so that we can live our lives in peace while we make maximum progress toward enlightenment and liberation. Of course, the world needs an influx of dharma and that is also the goal behind these yagyas.
Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, "Whenever there is fading of Dharma and the uprising of unrighteousness, then I take birth. I am born from age to age for the protection of the good, for the destruction of the evil-doers, and for the empowerment of the righteous." (Ch 4 v7)
By performing these yagyas, we align ourselves with dharma/natural law, the results of which are an automatic reduction of obstacles, conflicts and difficulties in our own lives. We add to the forces that maintain dharma on the scale of the world. By including two days of 50 priest Lakshmi yagyas on August 29&30, we attract greater wealth and abundance in addition to the protection she provides.
We conclude with the celebration of a two day Ganesha Yagya on Sept 1 & 2 which includes the offering of 1,000 coconuts. The annual festival, called Vinayaka Chaturthi, invokes Ganesha as protector and remover of obstacles.
The situation in the world is very challenging and one wonders if a yagya series like this can do any good. But Krishna reflects in the Bhagavad Gita, "On this path no effort is ever wasted. Even the smallest effort performed righteously protects one from the greatest danger" (Ch 2 v40)
Participants have the option of extending their yagya program through September 19th when the 21 day extended September and October yagyas begin.
Please join us in this important series of yagyas. |