Guru Poornima Yagya - For Shiva and Saraswati
($51 for all ten days; July 15 - 24)
(including Soma Yagya and Shiva Abishekam)

This yagya honors and celebrates the special role that teaching and learning play in the development of consciousness and our progress towards enlightenment. Some people enjoy the manifestation of this principle in the form of a guru who's teaching lead us on the path. Some are receptive to the educating role that the universe can play if we are sufficiently sensitive and open to it. As Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita "All come to me", meaning that the path to enlightenment is open to all in whatever form they prefer.

Participation in this yagya strengthens our relationship with this universal principle of nature. If you have a personal guru, then you add to his/her strength and power. The guru is also an inner force or presence, not necessarily in human form, which guides and propels us on our inner search for Truth and Enlightenment.

Guru Poornima is the special time of year when the universal principle of the "guru" is closest - whether it finds expression in the form of an individual teacher, or as our own thirst for knowledge and liberation.

These yagyas will utilize mantras for Shiva in the form of Dakshinamurti; (the first teacher who passes along knowledge and gives enlightenment in silence). Additional mantras for Saraswati ( the embodiment of wisdom) are used as well as Veda Vyasa, the rishi who organized the Vedas, the source of knowledge.

10 Day Enlightenment Yagya, includes all family members ($51)

Please note: we have recently upgraded our shopping cart system and you will have the opportunity to enter family names and birth details immediately after completing your credit card or PayPal transaction. If you prefer to do this manually, please click here.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Combine the Enlightenment Yagyas with the Navagraha Yagyas ($65)
including Soma Yagya and Shiva Abishekam

Maha Sponsorship Subscription, billing monthly ($200/month)
Your participation as a "maha" sponsor includes the 10 day yagyas as well as all three daily yagya programs including the Ati Rudra and Sahasra Chandi yagyas. This subscription is billed at a discounted rate of $200 monthly on an ongoing basis until you discontinue.


Nine Day Navagraha Yagya
($35 for all nine days; July 15 - 23)

A Navagraha yagya is an especially effective way to balance the planets in one's chart, especially at the beginning of a major astrological cycle. At the present time, both Saturn and Rahu are returning to their normal motion - making them especially receptive to the influence of yagyas.

Jupiter has changed signs and is now connected with Saturn and Rahu. Empowering Jupiter's benefic side will counter-balance the restrictive influence of Saturn and Rahu.

When planets are out of balance, life has obstacles, troubles compound and solutions are difficult to find. When the planets are in balance, obstacles are less, troubles get resolved without delaysm and life is generally lived in a state of balance and contentment.

In short, this yagyas will help to add smoothness to life, reduce obstacles, and enhance our enjoyment of the upcoming year.

Nine Day Navagraha Yagya ($35, includes family members)
(does not include Soma or Shiva Yagyas)

Please note: we have recently upgraded our shopping cart system and you will have the opportunity to enter family names and birth details immediately after completing your credit card or PayPal transaction. If you prefer to do this manually, please click here.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Combine the Enlightenment Yagyas with the Navagraha Yagyas ($65)

Maha Sponsorship Subscription, billing monthly ($200/month)
Your participation as a "maha" sponsor includes the 10 day yagyas as well as all three daily yagya programs including the Ati Rudra and Sahasra Chandi yagyas. This subscription is billed at a discounted rate of $200 monthly on an ongoing basis until you discontinue.