Vishnu / Lakshmi Yagya series
for protection of health, and support of family harmony ($75)
May 21- 30 in Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu

This month, our 10 Day yagya program will focus on the Ten Avatars of Vishnu (Dasa Avatara), especially Dhanvantri. the Divine Physician. We will also devote time to the eight forms of Lakshmi (Ashta Lakshmi), the goddess of abundance and strength.

Vishnu is the preserver of natural law, the protector of Dharma, and maintainer of health in his form as Dhanvantri. The story of each incarnation is one in which balance and order is restored to life so that we can live in harmony, peace, and health. The need to restore balance to our lives has never been more urgent in this time of COVID.

Lakshmi, the wife of Vishnu, has eight forms; each of which supoort and supplement the role of Vishnu in maintaining life in proper balance. Not only does she represent affluence, but also everything we need to live a fulfilling and satisfying life.

By performing this series of yagyas, we align ourselves with dharma/natural law, the results of which are an increase in health, safety, wealth, and happiness.

To learn more about the Ten Incarnations of Vishnu, please click here.

To learn more about the Eight Forms of Lakshmi, please click here.

Please join us in this important and enjoyable series of yagyas!

10 Day Vishnu and Lakshmi Yagyas ($75)

Maha Sponsorship Subscription, billing monthly ($200/month)

Participate as a maha sponsor for 4 months and enjoy participation in every yagya program that we offer - a total of 3 yagyas per day.

Billing is by subscription and continues on a monthly basis until you discontinue.