Nakshatra and Navagraha Yagyas 8/12 - 8/21
Advancing toward Enlightenment
Daily Mrytunjaya Yagyas through September 10th
($75 total for the entire family)

We are entering a more intense time of the Saturn, Jupiter retrograde phase in addition to a continued strong influence from Rahu and Ketu. These planets are combining in ways that will be challenging over the balance of the summer. On a national and international scale, we can expect increasing drama and chaos over the next few months as the restrictive influence of Saturn and Rahu/Ketu will be felt through mid-October. We have designed this month's program to provide maximum protection and smoothness for us and our families.

These yagyas lead up to our annual Ancestor Yagya series in Varanasi during the month of September and the nine nights of Navaratri in October. That means the present time is ideal for this proactive Navagraha/Nakshatra yagya series.

When major planets like Saturn and Jupiter are retrograde, it is a time to plan, research and prepare for a new phase of progress when the retrograde period ends. It can be difficult to start something new and make forward progress when Saturn and Jupiter are moving backward especially with Rahu's involvement.

It is also a time when karma returns to wake up those who may not have been paying attention. The delta variant of covid and the problems it is causing for the unvaccinated is a good representation of the challenging influence of retrograde Saturn/Jupiter mixed with Rahu/Ketu.

Navagraha and Mrytunjaya Yagyas will help but this month, we want to take this a step deeper and focus on the 27 nakshatras.We are all familiar with the twelve signs of the zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc). These are based on the movement of the Sun throughout the year. In a similar sense, the Moon has his own series of 27 constellations which are called Nakshatras.

Astronomically they are stars or small groups of stars. Mythologically, the nakshatras are personified as the wives of the Moon who visits one each day of the lunar month. In astrology, the nakshatras are useful in many ways related to timing of events and the spiritual development of the individual. The nakshatras give us insight into the mind and the nature of our consciousness and progress toward enlightenment.

By performing yagyas for the 27 Nakshatras, 12 signs, and 9 planets, we are covering all of our bases at a time when a cosmic boost is most needed. The effects of the yagya will generally be greater smoothness, inner peace, and protection from adverse circumstances. The goal is to provide a boost to our inner spirituality and to develop and sustain harmony between our inner spiritual desires and the demands of the outside world.

Nakshatra and Navagraha Yagyas ($75)
including Daily Mrytunjaya Yagyas

Maha Sponsorship Subscription, billing monthly ($200/month)

Become a maha sponsor and enjoy participation in every yagya program that we offer - a total of 6 yagyas per day.