10 Day Ganesha Yagya
3 Day Ancestor Yagyas
Eight Maharashtra Temple Ganesha Pujas
Daily Mrytunjaya Yagyas through Oct 6th

Ganesha, Ancestor, and Temple Yagyas ($75)
including Daily Mrytunjaya Yagyas

Here are all the details...

10 Day Ganesh Chaturthi 108 Fruit, Modaka, and Coconut Yagyas
Vinayaka Chaturthi (Ganesha's birthday) on September 10th.

Ganesha is the remover of obstacles and thus plays a major role in our enjoyment of life through material and spiritual success. Ganesh (or Vinayaka) Chaturthi celebrates his birthday and it is at this time he is most receptive to prayers and yagya offerings and gives his blessings freely.

This is our most festive and elaborate Ganesha yagya of the year.

The purpose of these yagyas is to promote the enjoyment of a satisfying and enlightened life. Ganesha is the foundation of that process because he removes any obstacle that obstructs fulfillment and liberation.

After the 10th, the Ganesha yagyas continue daily and conclude on the 19th.

Ancestor Yagyas
September 20, 21, & 22

This month, we are continuing the tradition of performing a special yagya for the benefit of the previous generations of our families.  This ritual is ancient, dating back many thousands of years in the vedic tradition and is performed in Varanasi every year at this time in a festival called Pitr Paksha.

The idea is a simple one.  The vedic tradition includes reincarnation as the experience of multiple lives during which the soul evolves to greater purity and perfection.  Families are an important part of this evolution because each generation provides for and protects subsequent generations.  The ritual is one in which we honor and symbolically feed and provide for the sustenance of previous generations of our family.

The first day consists of a full scale yagya for Shiva and Parvati, the seond day is the yagya for the ancestors (photo above), and the final day is a Ganga Yagya which is very soothing.

The details of the ritual are fascinating. You can learn more here.

Ashtavinayaka - Eight Ganesha Temple Tour
Maharashtra, September 10 - 19

Our group of priests in Pune asked if they could celebrate Viyanayka Chaturthi by performing an abishekam yagya at each in a series of 8 famous temples in Maharashtra State near Mumbai.

Each temple is unique and has a great story behind it. Please click here to see photos and to read the story of each temple and the Ganesha within.

10 Day Ganesha Yagya
3 Day Ancestor Yagyas
Eight Maharashtra Temple Ganesha Pujas

Ganesha, Ancestor, and Temple Yagyas ($75)
including Daily Mrytunjaya Yagyas