10 Day Ganesha Yagyas in Kanchipuram Temples
Ganesha Pujas in Eight Maharashtra Temples
Daily Mrytunjaya Yagyas through October 15th

Ganesha Yagya Programs Sept 17 - 26 ($75)
including Daily Mrytunjaya Yagyas

Ganesha is the remover of obstacles and thus plays a major role in our enjoyment of life through material and spiritual success.

This year with Saturn retrograde until late November and Jupiter retrograde until late December, obstacles abound and we use yagyas to minimize them.

Ganesh (or Vinayaka) Chaturthi on September 18th celebrates his birthday and it is at this time he is most receptive to yagya offerings and gives his blessings most freely. This is our most festive and elaborate Ganesha yagya of the year.

Kanchipuram is a traditional spiritual center and is often referred to as the Varanasi of the south. During the 10 day program our priests will perform pujas for 108 individual Ganeshas in the temples of Kanchipuram, as we did last year. In addition, our priests will perform a full Ganesha Yagya every day in our own facility.

This month's yagya program will include daily Mrytunjaya Yagyas that extend through October 15th when our Navaratri Yagyas begin.

In Pune, Maharastra, our priests will embark on an eight day Ashtavinayaka yatra (pilgrimage)to vist eight famous Ganesha temples in that region. This ancient group of temples features different forms of Ganesha and has some fascinating history.

The purpose of these yagyas is to promote the enjoyment of a satisfying and enlightened life. Ganesha is the foundation of that process because he removes any obstacle that obstructs fulfillment and progress toward liberation.

Ganesha Yagya Programs Sept 17 - 26 ($75)
including Daily Mrytunjaya Abundance Yagyas thru Oct 15th

Details of the eight temple yatra are fascinating. You can learn more here.

Ashtavinayaka Tour- Eight Ganesha Temples
Maharashtra, September 17 - 26

Our group of priests in Pune will celebrate Viyanayka Chaturthi by performing an abishekam yagya at each in a series of eight famous temples in Maharashtra State near Mumbai (map above).

Each temple is unique. Please click here to see photos and to read the story of each temple and the unique form of Ganesha within.