Varanasi Shiva
Yagya Series
August 18 - 27
(Family members are included)
We are pleased to announce a very special yagya series this month. It wil be performed over a period of 10 days in a special private Shiva temple in Varanasi. We have used this temple several times in the past and it has always been a uniquely powerful experience. Beause it serves a small group of people, the purity of the atmostphere is exceptional and the deep sense of quiet is unmistakable.

Varanasi is a special place for yagyas especially those for Shiva because it is considered to be Shiva's city. Our primary focus each day will be on Rudra Abishekam, the vedic ritual that brings peacefulness and prosperity, and on Maha Mrytunjaya Mantras which support and protect one's health as well as enhancing one's rapid progress toward enlightenment or liberation. Combined, they have the dual effect of supporting our happiness in this world, assuring a comfortable and peaceful passing when the time comes, and comfort in the next.

The main mantra used in these yagyas is Sri Rudram from Yajur Veda. It contains many mantras that you'd be familiar with; Namaha Shiva, and Mrytunjaya, for example. We should also note that Rudra abishekam and Mrytunjaya yagyas are very effective antidotes to the adverse effects of Saturn, who is retrograde through the end of November, and therefore more troublesome than usual.
Rahu is still with Jupiter in Aries and Rahu/Ketu won't change signs until the end of November. Jupiter's positive and protective influence is a bit off-balance until then. Lastly, Jupiter will be retrograde from Sept 4th through December 31st. This isn't necessarily bad, although it won't have the usual smoothness of Jupiter and his blessings.

The yagya series will conclude with a beautiful puja for Ganga. This is soothing and peaceful after the intensity of the yagyas.

The effects of the yagya will be to enjoy the deep silence that is Shiva, protection of health from Mrytunjaya Mantra, and prosperity and the ability to overcome obstacles to success.
The spiritual benefits of performing yagyas in Varanasi are considerable because of its special place in history. These yagyas aim to advance our progress so that we never need to return to a world of suffering. We may not reach perfection this month, but the progress will be meaningful and profound.
Please join us in this special opportunity. |