The vedic tradition focuses on spiritual growth through dharma (natural law) from both a universal and individual perspective. These values support and protect one's spiritual progress as well as the harmonious and ethical functioning of society. The writings date back over 2,000 years in various forms of the Dharmashastras - sacred writings of the rishis concerning laws and ethics.

The dharmashastras outline five specific yagyas (Pancha Yagya) that one should participate in at least once in life. They are:

  • Rishi Yagya - to respect rishis, gurus, and teachers of all sorts.
  • Pitru Yagya - to honor our parents and ancestors
  • Deva Yagya - to appreciate all forms of the divine
  • Bhoota Yagya - to thank the earth for all that she gives us
  • Manushya Yagya - to honor all of humanity and to pray for peaceful interactions

These yagyas allow one to pay off the three debts (rna in sanskrit) that every individual has by virtue of their birth and throughout their lifetime. They are:

  • Deva-rna - debt to the gods
  • Pitr-rna - debt to our ancestors
  • Rsi-rna - debt to the rishis.

The idea is that the gods maintain creation for us to experience and (usually) enjoy. Without our ancestors we would not have the opportunity to be born, parents to raise us, or a community for mutual support. The rishis have given us the blessing of their wisdom with the knowledge of how to live a spirtual live and to progress toward enlightenment and liberation.

Each of the five yagyas will be performed for two days during this 10 Day Yagya series. The effects may include greater personal sattva (purity), expanded awareness, advancing prosperity, and spiritual progress.

In addition, we will perform a two day, 50 priest Lakshmi Yagya to attract the blessings of Lakshmi for financial health during this time of inflation and economic uncertainty. Her yagyas deliver abundance in all forms and add to our overall enjoyment and fulfillment in life.

Five Sacrifices and 50 Priest Lakshmi Yagya Series ($75)
June 16th. to 25th.

Credit Card PayPal

You will be able to enter family names when you purchase the yagya program.