Nine Planet Navagraha Yagyas 1/16 to 1/25
Kanchipuram ($75, includes entire family)

This month we are focusing on the Nine Planets (Navagraha) because we have a very busy astrological year ahead of us and we need to make certain that the planets are pweaceful and well balanced for us.

Saturn changes signs and moves into Pisces in March, then switches places with Rahu who moves into Aquarius in June while Ketu moves into Leo. In May Jupiter moves into Gemini.

Also in March, we will have Mercury, Venus, Rahu, Saturn and the Sun in Pisces along with a total Lunar Eclipse affecting the entire US on March 14th and a Solar Eclipse on March 29th. There will another total Lunar Eclipse on Sept. 7/8 and a partial solar eclipse on Sept 21. Eclipses are very valuable for spiritual growth but can also bring about some tumult in the "real world".

There is an old saying in Sanskrit to "Avoid the danger than has not yet arrived." That makes this month an ideal time to perform remedial measures to enhance the positive qualities of the planets and to reduce those that are negative and undesirable.

When planets are making transitions from one sign to another, it's a time when they are most receptive and our yagyas will have added power and effectiveness.

We begin each day with a Ganesha puja followed by Rudra Abishekam, the recitation of Vedic hymns, pujas for the goddesses Durga/Lakshmi/Saraswati, Shiva, Vishnu, and the nine planets and twenty seven nakshatras. After the abishekam is completed, the priests light the yagya fire and repeat the recitations along with offerings of ghee and other ingredients. The daily ritual performance takes place from 8 AM to 1 PM.

When planets are out of balance, life has obstacles, troubles compound and solutions are difficult to find. When the planets are in balance, we experience fewer obstacles, troubles get resolved without delay and life is generally lived in a state of balance and contentment. In short, these yagyas will help add smoothness to life, reduce negativity and enhance our enjoyment of the upcoming year.

Please join us in this unique and timely opportunity!

Nine Planet Navagraha Yagyas 1/16 to 1/25
Kanchipuram ($75, includes entire family)