Daily Yagyas

Virtually every spiritual practice that finds its basis in the ancient Vedic tradition, relies on repetition for the strength of its effects. With that in mind, we have designed four different ways to enjoy the benefits of yagyas on a daily basis.

Our experience over the past 15+ years is that many smaller yagyas bring greater and longer lasting benefits than a few large private yagyas and are significantly less expensive as well. In addition to giving a little boost every day, the Daily Yagyas develop a "spiritual momentum" and the effects are commonly experienced as a greater ease in life, fewer obstacles, better luck, and a sense of spiritual protection. Obstacles and troubles in life do not miraculously disappear, but they no long overshadow the way they used to and solutions appear more readily.

The center of the program is the daily 1 priest yagya performed in Kanchipuram. This yagya includes Ganesha (removes obstacles), Rudra (Shiva) Abishekam, Mrytunjaya (health), Lakshmi (wealth), and Navagraha (9 planet) Yagyas.

In order to add strength, you can also add participation in the Ati Rudra program which adds an 11 day, 11 priest performance of Rudra Abishekam (1331 recitatations of Rudram each month)

It is also possible to add a 3 priest, daily performance of Durga Saptasati - 700 verse mantra for the Divine Feminine. This yagya takes place in Varanasi, North India. (90 repetitions of Durga Saptashati each month)

Your 30 day subscription starts the day after you subscribe and continues for the following 30 days. Because these yagyas are performed every day - on an on-going basis - you can start any time.

The Daily Yagya Program also includes all 10 days of the monthly theme yagyas. Schedule details can be found here.

After you have signed up for the yagya series, please email BenCollins@Puja.net - your birth time/date/place so that your Rasi and Nakshatra can be calculated and included in the sankalpam (statement of purpose)

Yagya Subscriptions

Daily Rudra-Mrytunjaya-Lakshmi-Navagraha yagyas
Plus 10 Day Yagyas

($97/month) Renewal is automatic each month until you wish to discontinue.

Daily Rudra-Mrytunjaya-Lakshmi-Navagraha yagyas
Ati Rudram program participation for one month

($145/month) Renewal is automatic each month until you wish to discontinue.

Daily Rudra-Mrytunjaya-Lakshmi-Navagraha yagyas
Durga Saptasati program participation for one month

($145/month) Renewal is automatic each month until you wish to discontinue
Maha Sponsor Program: Includes Daily Yagyas, 10 Day Yagyas, Ati Rudra Yagyas, Durga Saptasati Yagyas, and Pavamana Soma yagyas each month.