Saturn and Rahu/Ketu Intensive Yagya Series

Fourteen daily yagyas including two fire rituals

There is no doubt that Saturn and Rahu/Ketu can be the most difficult planets to balance. Frequently we experience that they bring obstacles, frustration, and disappointment. Saturn takes 2 1/2 years to move through a sign and Rahu/Ketu 1 1/2. As such slow moving planets they leave us feeling stuck and blocked.

On a positive note, these planets can be highly beneficial and can bring us benefits that exceed those of the easier planets like Jupiter and Venus. But it takes time and patience to do so. These yagyas can take the sting out of their influence and maximize the beneficial effects.

Experience has shown that smaller yagya repeated over and over have a much stronger effect compared to larger yagyas performed once or twice. This yagya program has been designed to be inexpensive so that long term participation is affordable.

Over time, most people's experience is the two week yagya program provides gradual but consistent relief from difficulties and obstacles of all kinds. It is particularly valuable to those who wish to support and accelerate their own personal growth, especially from a spiritual perspective.

The yagya program takes place the second two weeks of each month, beginning on a Monday and concluding on a Sunday. The sacred fire rituals take place on both Sundays during the 14 day yagya program.

2018 Schedule
March 19-April 1 April 16-29 May 14-27 June 11-24 July 16-29
August 13-26 September 17-30 October 15-28 Nov 19-Dec 2 December 17-30

Monthly Subscription to the Saturn and Rahu/Ketu Intensive Yagyas ($45) (Three Month Minimum, monthly billing is automatic) 

with credit card

with PayPal