Sudarshana/Narasimha Intensive Yagya Series

Two Week Daily Yagyas plus two Vedic fire rituals

for family harmony and overcoming serious obstacles

Narasimha is one of the manifestations of Vishnu, the protective force in the universe. Sudarshana is his weapon. The story of Narasimha is a wonderful one in which he saves his young devotee Prahlada from a demon named Hiranyakashipu who happens to be his father. Narasimha is the strongest form of Vishnu and he agressively protects families, marriages, and children.

Sudarshana, seen above on the left, is a disc of invincible light which cuts through any kind of darkness in our lives. Sudarshana yagyas are useful when facing a difficult obstacle, when we need personal strength, or when we need protection.

Combining these divine manifestations in a two week yagya program will bring greater personal strength, and will protect and harmonize relationships of all kinds.

2015 Sudarshana/Narasimha Yagya Dates:

May 4 - 17
June 1 - 14
July (June 29) - July 12
August 3 - 16
September (August 31) - September 13
October 5 - 18
November 2 - 15
December (November 30) - December 13

Monthly Subscription to the Sudarshana/Narasimha Intensive Yagyas ($45)
(Three Month Minimum, monthly billing is automatic)