- Ôm namô Skandâya namaha
Hail Skanda! Vanquisher of the mighty foes!
- Ôm namô Guhâya namaha
Praise be to the Invisible Lord—He who abides in the hearts of devotees true!
- Ôm namô Shanmukhâya namaha
Praise be to the six-faced one!
- Ôm namô Bâlanetrasutâya namaha
Praise be to the Son of the Three-Eyed Siva!
- Ôm namô Prabhave namaha
Praise be to the Lord Supreme!
Ôm namô Pingalâya namaha
Praise be to the golden-hued one!
- Ôm namô Krittikâsunave namaha
Hail to the Son of the starry maids!
- Ôm namô Shikhivâhanâya namaha
Hail to the rider on the peacock!
- Ôm namô Dvinadbhujâya namaha
Hail to the Lord with the twelve hands!
- Ôm namô Dvinannetrâya namaha
Hail to the Lord with the twelve eyes!
- Ôm namô Shaktidharâya namaha
Hail to the wielder of the Lance!
- Ôm namô Pisidâsaprabhajanâya namaha
Praise be to the destroyer of the Asuras!
- Ôm namô Târakâsurasamhârine namaha
Praise be to the slâyar of Târakâsuran!
- Ôm namô Raksobalavimardanâya namaha
Praise be to the Victor of the Asuric forces!
- Ôm namô Mattâya namaha
Praise be to the Lord of felicity!
- Ôm namô Pramattâya namaha
Praise be to the Lord of bliss!
- Ôm namô Unmattâya namaha
Hail Oh passionate One!
- Ôm namô Surasainyasuraksakâya namaha
(Suralangasya Rakshithre Namaha); Hail Saviour of the Devas!
- Ôm namô Devasenâpataye namaha
Hail Commander of the Heavenly hosts!
- Ôm namô Pragnya namaha
Hail, Lord of Wisdom!
- Ôm namô Kripalave namaha
Hail Compassionate One!
- Ôm namô Bhaktavatsalâya namaha
Lover of devout ones, Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Umâsutâya namaha
Son of Uma—Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Shaktidharâya namaha
Mighty Lord—Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Kumârâya namaha
Eternal youth—Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Krauncadharanâya namaha
He who reft asunder the Kraunca Mount—Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Senânye namaha
Praise be to the Army Chief!
- Ôm namô Agnijanmane namaha
To the effulgence of Fire, all Hail!
- Ôm namô Viskhâya namaha
To Him who shone on the astral Visakha—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Shankarâtmajâya namaha
Thou Son of Sankara—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Sivasvâmine namaha
Thou Preceptor of Siva—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Ganaswâmine namaha
On Lord of the Ganas—All Hail
- Ôm namô Sarvasvâmine namaha
On Lord, God Almighty, All Hail!
- Ôm namô Sanâtanâya namaha
Oh Lord eternal, Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Anantasaktaye namaha
Thou potent Lord, Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Aksobhyâya namaha
Unsullied by arrows art Thou—Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Parvatîpriyanandanâya namaha
Thou beloved of Parvati, Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Gangasutâya namaha
Oh, son of Goddess Ganga—Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Sarodbhutâya namaha
Thou who did'st nestle in the Saravana Lake!
- Ôm namô Atmabhuve namaha
Thou Unborn Lord!
- Ôm namô Pavakatmajâya namaha
Thou who art born of Fire!
- Ôm namô Mâyâdharâya namaha
Energy Art Thou—Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Prajrimbhâya namaha
Praise be to thee Auspicious One! (Blissful)!
- Ôm namô Ujjrimbhâya namaha
Praise be to the Invincible One!
- Ôm namô Kamalâsanasamstutâya namaha
Praise be to the Lord extolled by Brahma!
- Ôm namô Ekavarnâya namaha
The one Word art Thou—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Dvivarnâya namaha
In Two Art Thou—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Trivarnâya namaha
Thou Art the Three—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Sumanoharâya namaha
Thou Stealer of pure hearts—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Caturvarnâya namaha
In four Art Thou—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Pancavarnâya namaha
In five letters Art Thou—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Prajapataye namaha
Father of all Creation—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Trumbâya namaha
Praise be to Thee, Oh Peerless One!
- Ôm namô Agnigarbhâya namaha
Thou who dost sustain the fire!
- Ôm namô Samigarbhâya namaha
Hail Thou who arose out of the Vanni flame! (Fire of the Suma tree)!
- Ôm namô Visvaretase namaha
Thou glory of the Absolute Paramasivam, All Hail!
- Ôm namô Surarighne namaha
Oh, Subduer of the foes of the Devas, All Hail!
- Ôm namô Hiranyavarnâya namaha
Thou resplendent One, All Hail!
- Ôm namô Subhakrite namaha
Thou Auspicious One—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Vasumate namaha
Thou Oh Splendour of the Vasus— (a class of Gods) All Hail!
- Ôm namô Vatuvesabhrite namaha
Praise be to Thee, Oh lover of celibacy!
- Ôm namô Bhûshane namaha
Thou Luminous Sun—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Kapastaye namaha
Thou Effulgence divine, All Hail!
- Ôm namô Gahanâya namaha
Thou Omniscient One—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Chandravarnâya namaha
Thou Radiance of the Moon—Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Kâladharâya namaha
Thou who adorns the crescent—Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Mâyâdharâya namaha
Engergy art Thou—Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Mahâmâyine namaha
Great Artist of Deception too art Thou, Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Kaivalyâya namaha
Everlasting joy of attainment—Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Sahatatmakâya namaha
Art all-pervading—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Visvayônaye namaha
Source of all Existence—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Ameyatmane namaha
Oh, Supreme Splendour, All Hail!
- Ôm namô Tejonidhaye namaha
Illumination divine—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Anâmâyaya namaha
Savior of all ills—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Parameshtine namaha
Thou art Immaculate Lord, Praise be to Thee
- Ôm namô Parabrahmane namaha
Thou Transcendant One, Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Vedagarbhâya namaha
The Source of the Vedas art Thou, Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Viratsutâya namaha
Immanent Art Thou in the Universe, Praise be to Thee!
- Ôm namô Pulindakanyâbhartre namaha
Praise be to the Lord of Valli, the Vedda belle!
- Ôm namô Mahâsarasvatavradâya namaha
Praise be to the source of Gnosis
- Ôm namô Âsritâ Kiladhâtre namaha
Praise be to Him who showers grace on those who seek his solace!
- Ôm namô Choraghnâya namaha
Praise be to Him who annihilates those who steal!
- Ôm namô Roganasanâya namaha
Praise be to the divine Healer
- Ôm namô Anantamûrtaye namaha
Praise be Thine whose forms are endless!
- Ôm namô Ânandâya namaha
Praise be Thine, Oh Thou infinite Bliss!
- Ôm namô Shikhandîkritagedanâya namaha
Praise be Thine, Thou Lord of peacock banner!
- Ôm namô Dambhâya namaha
Praise be Thine, Oh lover of gay exuberance!
- Ôm namô Paramadambhâya namaha
Praise be Thine, Thou lover of supreme exuberance!
- Ôm namô Mahâdambhâya namaha
Praise be Thine, Oh Lord of lofty magnificence!
- Ôm namô Vrishakâpaye namaha
Thou who art the culmination of righteousness—All Hail (Dharma)!
- Ôm namô Karanopâtadehâya namaha
Thou who deigned embodiment for a cause—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Kâranâtita Vigrahâya namaha
Form transcending causal experience
- Ôm namô Anîshvarâya namaha
Oh Eternal peerless plentitude, All Hail
- Ôm namô Amritâya namaha
Thou Ambrosia of Life—All Hail!
- Ôm namô Pranâya namaha
Thou life of life, Praise unto Thee!
- Ôm namô Pranâyamaparâyanâya namaha
Thou support of all beings—Praise unto Thee!
- Ôm namô Vritakandare namaha
Praise unto Thee who subjugates all hostile forces!
- Ôm namô Viraghnâya namaha
Thou vanquisher of heroic opponents, Praise unto Thee!
- Ôm namô Raktashyamagalâya namaha
Thou art Love, and of crimson beauty— Praise unto Thee!
- Ôm namô Mahate namaha
Oh Consummation of glory, All Praise to Thee!
- Ôm namô Subrahmanyâya namaha
We praise Thee, Oh effulgent Radiance!
- Ôm namô Paravarâya namaha
Oh Supreme (Sovereign) Goodness, Praise unto Thee!
- Ôm namô Brahmanyâya namaha
We praise Thee, luminous wisdom serene!
- Ôm namô Brahmanapriyâya namaha
Thou who art beloved of seers—Praise unto Thee!
- Ôm namô Loka Gurave Namaha
Oh universal Teacher, All Praise to Thee!
- Ôm namô Guhapriyâya Namaha
We praise Thee, Indweller in the core of our hearts!
- Ôm namô Aksâyaphalapradâya namaha
We praise Thee, Oh bestower of indestructible results ineffable!
- Ôm namô Shrî Subrahmanyâya namaha
We praise Thee, most glorious effulgent Radiance!