November 2005 Yagya Schedule


2 Day Dhanvantri Health Yagya ($51)
Wednesday, November 9 and Wednesday, November 16.

Dhanvantri is Vishnu as the physician; the protector of health in all its forms; mental, physical, and emotional. This yagya is performed annually to protect good health, improve poor health, and to bring strength and vitality to all aspects of life.

The Dhanvantri Yagyas this month will be performed on successive Wednesdays; November 9th and on the Full Moon Day, November 16th where it will be combined with the Satyanarayana Family Happiness and Harmony Yagya on the same day.

Click here for more details on this yagya and to read the story of Dhanvantri.

Two Day Dhanvantri Yagya ($51)

Wednesday, November 9
Wednesday, November 16.



Tulsi Vivaha Yagya ($27) - Sunday, November 13

This yagya celebrates the simple devotion of Rukmini for Krishna in the form of the sacred tulsi plant. The yagya is to protect and enhance family harmony, particularly between a husband and wife. It is also good for the development of spiritual humility and for deepening the quality of devotion and love.

Click here for more details on this yagya and to read the story of Tulsi, Rukmini, and Krishna.

Tulsi Vivaha Yagya ($27)
Sunday, November 13

Combine with the Lakshmi Yagya ($51)
Sunday, November 13 and Friday, November 11th



Lakshmi Temple Yagya

Friday, November 11 in Kanchipuram, South India ($31)

The month of November contains a number of special days important to the goddess in the form of Lakshmi.  First, we just finished Navaratri; 9 days for the goddess in October, then on November 2nd, we have Dipavali; a festival of light to honor Lakshmi, and we celebrate Tulsi Vivaha this month as well.

Our temple yagya takes place on Friday (Lakshmi's Day), November 11th at a lovely Lakshmi temple in Kanchipuram, South India. 

Of course, Lakshmi has many forms, but is usually though of as the form of divinity that gives us the experience of fullness, abundance, and success in life.  By tradition she is generous with her blessings, and need only be asked in order to provide some help.

Our priests will perform a morning yagya in our own facility followed by a full scale abishekam in the Lakshmi temple that evening.  All participants will receive prasadam and a video CD of the event.

Morning and Evening Temple Yagyas for Lakshmi ($31) Friday, November 11.
Combine with the Tulsi Vivaha Yagya ($51)
Sunday, November 13 and Friday, November 11th



Navagraha Yagyas
A full 7 day cycle for all 9 planets

The yagya series consists of daily pujas, daily mantra japa, and full homam (vedic fire yagya) for each of the nine planets.  The yagya's effects are to bring strength and balance to all nine planets and their varied manifestations in our daily lives.

Friday, November 11-- Shukra (Venus)
To promote happiness, enjoyment, and wealth.
Saturday, November 12 -- Sani (Saturn)
To develop steadiness, discipline, and strength.
Sunday, November 13 -- Surya (Sun)
To enhance power, vitality, and self reliance.
Monday, November 14 -- Chandra (Moon)
To develop mental clarity, well being, and affluence.
Tuesday, November 15 -- Mangal (Mars)
To promote optimism, energy, and sense of purpose.
Wednesday, November 16 -- Budha (Mercury)
To enhance confidence, communication, and intelligence.
Thursday, November 17 -- Guru (Jupiter)
To develop spirituality, luck, and wisdom.

Daily, November 11 - 17 -- Rahu and Ketu
To promote spirituality, determination, and moksha.

Rahu and Ketu do not have their own day, so the puja/yagya for each is performed every day during the navagraha series.

November 11 - 17 -- Seven Day Navagraha Yagya ($108)

To balance all 9 planets, reduce the negative influence of the weak or malefic ones, and enhance and strengthen the benefic grahas.



Deity Yagyas

To address specific life problems.

The yagya series brings the blessings of all the deities to promote success, happiness, enjoyment, strength, and enlightenment.

Friday, November 11 -- Lakshmi/Durga/Saraswati
To enhance wealth, purity, strength, and wisdom.
Saturday, November 12 -- Ganesha
To promote the removal of obstacles and development of mental clarity.

Sunday, November 13 -- Durga - The Divine Mother
The Divine Mother; honors the supportive and protective qualities of divinity.  The yagya enhances purity and clarity of consciousness.

Monday, November 14 -- Shiva, Rudra Abishekam/Mrytunjaya Yagya
To develop deeper enlightenment, better health and remove fear of death.
Tuesday, November 15 -- Subramanyam
To enhance physical and mental strength and decision making abilities.
Wednesday, November 16 -- Vishnu, Purusha Suktam Yagya
To promote the development of enlightenment, spiritual protection, and enhance the experience of fullness in life.
Thursday, November 17 -- Sudarshana and Narasimha
To develop strength, remove severe obstacles and develop family harmony.

November 11 - 17 -- Seven Day Deity Yagya ($108)



Satyanarayana Full Moon Yagya
Wednesday, November 16th ($27)

The yagya enhances peace and harmony between husband, wife, children and other family members.  It balances our external circumstances and enhances our enjoyment and ability to live in balance and harmony.  It is a gentle harmony enhancing yagya.

Wednesday, November 17 -- Satyanarayana Puja followed by Lakshmi and Vishnu Yagyas for Happiness, Fulfillment, and Family Harmony.

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