Shiva created a blazing Bhairava in human form, addressing this Kâlabhairava as "Lord of Time-Death" (kâla) for he shone like the god of Death: "You are called Bhairava because you are of terrifying features and are capable of supporting the universe. You are called Kâla-Bhairava, for even Time-Death is terrified of you." He ordered him to chastise Brahmâ, promising him in return eternal suzerainty over his city of Kâshî (Vârânasî), the cremation-ground of the Hindu universe, where final emancipation is assured. In a trice, Bhairava ripped off Brahmâ's guilty head with the nail of his left thumb. Seeing this, the terrified Vishnu eulogized Shiva and devotedly recited his sacred hymns, followed in this by the repentant Brahmâ. Thereby they gained his protection by realizing and acknowledging the supreme reality of Shiva. The severed head immediately stuck to Bhairava's hand, where it remained in the form of the skull, destined to serve as his insatiable begging-bowl.
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