June 2008
Yagya Schedule

3 Part Varanasi Yagyas and 3 Part Gujarat Yagyas
for The Divine Mother and Shiva, Vishnu, and Ganesha

June 13,15,29
($35 for your entire family)

June is a great month for special yagyas. We begin with Ganga Jayanti to celebrate the birth of the goddess Ganga who is shown mythologically as decending from heaven to earth through Shiva's hair. In past years, this yagya has been a wonderfully cooling and happy yagya.
Ganga Yagya, Friday June 13

There is a special yagya for Lakshmi and Shiva, which is a unique combination. In this yagya 121 fresh coconuts are individually broken as an offering to Lakshmi, and then the coconut juice is used to pour over the Shivalingam in the ritual called Abishekam that takes place on a special day called Pradosham; one of two days each month for Shiva on which a yagya to him has extra power. So this is a nice way to combine these two; wealth and abundance from Lakshmi and protection, health and enlightenment from Shiva.
Lakshmi/Shiva Yagya, Sunday, June 15th.

There is also a special day for Vishnu in the second half of this month called Yogini Ekadasi. Traditionally on this day a yagya that includes the recitation of the 1008 mantras (names) of Vishnu (called Vishnu Sahasranam) is performed in a wonderful Vishnu temple in Varanasi as seen above. The results of Vishnu yagyas are harmony, support of family and marital life, protection, and peaceful success.
Vishnu Sahasranam Yagya, Sunday, June 29th

The priests from Kanchipuram go to north India each year to perform a three day series of yagyas at a special temple on the banks of the Saparmati River near Soorat in the state of Gujarat. These yagyas specifically feature the recitation of Chandi Path and are wonderful for removing obstacles and developing more personal strength. A few photos from this yagya last year can be seen by clicking here.
Saparmati Temple yagya for the Divine Mother, Wed. June 25th thru Friday, June 27th.


Combine the 6 day June yagyas with 1 month of daily yagyas (details here) starting June 13 and continuing through July 17 ($108)
Join the "Maha Sponsor" Program.This option makes you an honored participant in every yagya that we perform during the month of June. Your participation includes all the special yagyas as well as the daily deity and planetary yagyas.

Maha Sponsorship Subscription, 3 months, billing monthly ($200/month)
This subscription is the same as the above, but in exchange for the 3 month subscription, you are billed at a discounted rate of $200 monthly. Your participation includes all the special yagyas as well as the daily deity and planetary yagyas.



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